3504 (MSE 3104): MINERALOGY
Principles of modern mineralogy, crystal chemistry, and crystallography, with emphasis on mineral atomic structure and physical property relationships, mineralogy in the context of geology, geochemistry, environmental science and geophysics, phase equilibria, mineral associations, and mineral identification, and industrial applications of minerals. There are three required field trips during the semester. Pre: 2004, 2024, 2444, CHEM 1036, (MATH 1205 or MATH 1225). (2H,3L,3C)
Introduction to the range and variety of metallic and non-metallic economic mineral deposits. Classification of the petrologic and tectonic settings of mineral deposits. Source, transport and depositional mechanisms of mineral deposit formation. Laboratory emphasizes identification of ore minerals, gangue minerals, common host rocks, wall-rock alteration and mineral zoning. Course requirement of 3 hours of GEOS at the 3000-level or above, may be satisfied by taking prerequisite prior to or concurrent with course. Pre: 1004 or 2104. (2H,3L,3C)
The Geosciences department offers a full range of upper-level courses and laboratories, encompassing most of the fields of specialization that are broadly referred to as geosciences. Obviously, no one faculty member can offer all of the specialized courses. I teach the Mineral Deposits course each spring semester, and have been called upon to teach the Mineralogy course from time to time.